Visita teatralitzada “Els tresors de les aloges”

Dramatic visit

Don’t miss this fun theatrical tour for all audiences.

It is a unique opportunity to see the mysterious Lodges of popular legends in an interactive and playful way. Learn and have fun, as a family!

# family activities # going out with kids # family getaway # camping with kids


Legend has it that every night the lodges came out of their dens to wash their clothes and dance and whoever was able to steal a piece of clothing from them would be rich forever more.


If you want to discover this and other little-known legends of the lodges while looking for hidden treasures in Banyoles and discovering the mischief of the witch Na Codonya and Toca Tabal, sign up for the theatrical night visit..


The price is free but prior booking is required.


The meeting point is at the Tourist Office of l’Estany


Estimated duration is 1 hour.


This activity is not recommended for children under 7 years of age.


The maximum is 30 people per session.


This activity is organized by the Tourist Office of the Lake and carried out by the company Teatre de Contacte


From the reception of the campsite we can help you with procedures and directions and, for more information you can contact the same Banyoles Tourist Office –


Telephone 972 58 34 70 –


Follow us on Instagram to be informed of all the proposals!


Càmping amb nens  Càmping petit i acollidor  CÀMPING FAMILIAR  …

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