Tren Pinxu de Banyoles

This is how the pincho train song begins…

“El tren piiiiinxo de Banyoles és el més bonic que hi ha.

Fet de llaunes i cassoles i barrets de capellàaaaaa.

Tra-la-la-ra-la-ra i barrets de capellà.

Quan se’n puja una pujada ja s’atura a mig camí.

Dóna temps al maquinista d’anar a beure un got de vi.

Tra-la-la-ra-la-ra, d’anar a beure un got devi.”

Do you want to finish singing it??? Get on one of the liveliest tourist trains in the province, the tren pinxo!


This train has inherited the name by which the tram that connected Girona and Banyoles was popularly known from 1928 to 1956.

Currently, the route offered by the Tren Pinxo allows us to enjoy the nature and landscape around the Estany until we reach the Romanesque church of Santa Maria de Porqueres.

In addition, it guides us through the historic center of Banyoles passing through the main points and attractions of the old quarter.

The best way to get to know the city of Banyoles in a comfortable and fun way for the whole family.

Where is the train stop?

Right in front of the Banyoles Tourist Office

How long is the tour?

The Pinxu train takes approximately 45 minutes

How to get there from the campsite?

Very easy!

Direction Banyoles, the first traffic light you will find, turn left and you will find the Tourist Office and the departure point of the Banyoles Pinxu Train, right in front of the lake.

For more information call:

699 19 47 07

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