Entries by La vall de Campmajor

Coves Prehistòriques de Serinyà

Who says pre-history is boring? Educational and fun proposal for children you will learn to be a real pre-historian! This proposal for children combines fun and educational activities. The Serinyà Prehistoric Caves park was occupied by different populations from the beginning of the Middle Paleolithic (now about 200,000 years ago) until the age of metals […]

Carruatges a la Fageda d’en Jordà

One of the most popular activities for children in la Garrotxa is the carriage ride through the Fageda d’en Jordà. Let’s go at the pace of a carriage through the beech forest! It is one of the activities for children that, if you have never done it, is a great opportunity to share with your […]

El Bosc de les Estunes

Walk with children, enter the Bosc de les Estunes! An environment of slits of light, oak trees and fantastic creatures! A forest with crevices through which the light sneaks in, with little corners where you can hide and enter a magical world. Travertine cracks; oaks and oaks; the legend of the Goges, the cool shade, […]

Cooperativa La Fageda

Do you eat yogurt for a snack? Do you want to learn as a family how yogurts are made in La Fageda? Have a good time among the black and white spotted cows, eating straw, the ones that go “moooo”! Family visit to the La Fageda Cooperative to learn how yogurts, ice creams and many […]

Visita pels nens fàbrica de Xocolates Torras

Mmmm chocolate!!! visit for the sweetest children! Visit a factory where they make chocolate???? What if I would like to go there???Let’s go!!!!!!! If you want to feel like the protagonist of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, very close to Camping La Vall de Campmajor you have your chance!!   Yes, that’s right, now you […]

Tren Pinxu de Banyoles

This is how the pincho train song begins… “El tren piiiiinxo de Banyoles és el més bonic que hi ha. Fet de llaunes i cassoles i barrets de capellàaaaaa. Tra-la-la-ra-la-ra i barrets de capellà. Quan se’n puja una pujada ja s’atura a mig camí. Dóna temps al maquinista d’anar a beure un got de vi. Tra-la-la-ra-la-ra, d’anar a […]

Trenet dels Volcans

 Ideal excursion with children through the Garrotxa Do you want to go on an excursion with children near the La Vall de Campmajor campsite?   A very popular excursion with children in our area is the train of the volcanoes, also known as the carrilet. On this excursion you will be able to see the […]